Input Credit on Job Work and ITC-04 | S K and Associates

Input Tax Credit on job work

The principal manufacturer will be allowed to take credit of tax paid on purchase of goods send on job work.
However, there are certain conditions. Let us go through them in detail.

Place of business

Input Credit on Job Work 1
ITC will be allowed in both the cases

Effective date

Input Credit on Job Work 2

Is there a time limit for the principal manufacturer to receive back the goods?

Yes. The principal manufacturer must receive the goods back within the following period:
  1. Capital Goods- 3 years from effective date
  2. Input Goods- 1 year from effective date
Please refer our article on impact of GST on job work for more details.

What happens if the goods are not received within the specified time?

In case goods are not received within the period as mentioned above, such goods will be deemed as supply from effective date. The principal manufacturer will have to pay tax will on such deemed supply.
The challan issued will be treated as an invoice for such supply.

Can the principal directly sell from the job worker’s place?

The principal manufacturer can supply the goods from the place of business of a job worker only if he (the principal) declares such place of business as his additional place of business.
This rule does not apply for the following-
(i) The job worker is registered
(ii) The principal supplies goods which are specifically notified by the Commissioner to be allowed to sell directly from job worker’s place.

Various machinery sent to the job worker to carry out the job work

The time limits will not apply to items like moulds and dies, jigs and fixtures, or tools sent out to a job worker for carrying out the job work.

Summary of conditions for claiming ITC on goods sent for job work

A.Goods can be sent to job worker:
  1. From principal’s place of business
  2. Directly from the place of supply of the supplier of such goods
ITC will be allowed in both the cases.
B. Effective date for goods send depends on place of business:
  1. Sent from principal’s place of business- Date of goods sent out
  2. Send directly from the place of supply of the supplier of such goods- Date of receipt by job worker
C. The goods send must be received back by the principal manufacture within the following period:
  1. Capital Goods- 3 years
  2. Input Goods- 1 year
D. In case goods are not received within the period mentioned above, such goods will be treated as supply from the effective date and tax will be payable.
For transitional provisions, please refer our article on Impact of GST on job work.

Form ITC-04

FORM GST ITC-04 must be submitted by the principal every quarter. He must include the details of challans in respect of the following-
  • Goods dispatched to a job worker or
  • Received from a job worker or
  • Sent from one job worker to another

Due date of FORM GST ITC-04

ITC-04 is a quarterly form. It must be furnished on or before 25th day of the month succeeding the quarter.
For example, for Oct-Dec quarter, the due date is 25th Jan.

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