Economists bat for hike in tobacco taxation for achieving Modi's USD 5 trillion economy vision. | S K and Associates

New Delhi: A substantial hike in tax on all tobacco items and stronger laws will not only bring the best out of human capital by ensuring better health of citizens, but also help in achieving Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of a five trillion dollar economy by 2025, experts have asserted. Noting that the health care burden due to tobacco consumption in India is around 1.04 per cent of GDP, pushing many into poverty, Arvind Mohan, Professor and Head, Department of Economics, University of Lucknow said a substantial increase in tax on these lethal items will close the gap.

Speaking at a webinar, he echoed views of the World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as many other international bodies like World Bank that tobacco taxation is an efficient tool, reducing tobacco consumption faster than any other single measure. (Tax breaks, jobs or plan to beat China: What will Budget 2023 offer? Click to know)
Mohan explained that presently, health is a big challenge for human development as at least 70 per cent of the health expenditure is being met by the public themselves, while just 25-30 per cent is met by the government and global institutions.

"But if we manage to cut down this expenditure by imposing tax on tobacco products, we will not only be able to capitalise our human resources, but also boost the GDP multi-fold. This will help achieve our dream of a USD 5 trillion economy too," he pointed out.

Mohan along with Dr Pritam Datta, a fellow at Delhi-based National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) and Rijo M John, an economist and public health policy analyst, ahead of the Union Budget 2023-24, also underlined that while a major argument for introducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2017 was that it would contribute 2 per cent of the GDP growth, but in actual, this has not happened.

Almost nil tax increase on the sin products like tobacco is one of the major reasons, they opined during an interaction with senior journalist Shishir Sinha held by 'Tobacco Free India', a platform of concerned citizens group.

"If we take a ratio to all tax - Centre and states -- on tobacco, it will come around 1.7 per cent of total tax collection in India, while our study has shown that it was 2.3 per cent in 2014," he said.

He further argued that India is among 182 countries which signed the WHO framework convention on tobacco control which recommends at least 75 per cent tax on retail price of all tobacco products. However, in India, tax on cigarettes is 52.7 per cent, 'bidis' 22 per cent and chewing tobacco 63.8 per cent, he added.

According to Global Adult Tobacco Survey-India (GATS -2016-17), nearly 27 crore adults of 15 years age and above use tobacco in some form or the other. India is the second largest consumer and the third largest producer of tobacco.

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